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  • Providing local governments in Canada
    with the knowledge and tools to accelerate
    circular economy solutions

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Canadian Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) works to build circular economy knowledge and capacity in the Canadian local government sector – offering a national webinar series on innovative approaches and providing direct support, guidance and peer-to-peer exchange to Canadian communities as they take steps to become more circular.

Since launching in 2021 the CCRI has spearheaded a national discussion on best practices and advanced measurable impact in 25 cities and regions across the country.

In 2024 the CCRI is offering support to the 25 local governments in our Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network as they move towards circular economy implementation.

Learn more about the current offerings within the CCRI's P2P Network, discover which communities were part of our inaugural cohorts, and find out how you can get involved!

CCRI P2P Network​​​​

CCRI: Canada’s Leader in Municipal Circular Economy Capacity Building​​​​

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Local Government Benefits

The CCRI offers a unique learning opportunity for Canadian local governments. By participating in the CCRI Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network, communities:

Learn how to get started and embed circular economy approaches
Identify key points of intervention
Understand benefits, challenges and opportunities with peers across Canada
Engage directly with Canadian and international experts
Access one-on-one mentoring, support and advice
Explore how to measure circularity progress and success
Build internal circular economy capacity and buy-in with key staff across the organization
Embark on a process of opportunity identification and action planning
Engage staff in a facilitated half-day workshop
Receive a Circular Opportunities Report for your community

CCRI Highlights

Webinar Series

A series of public webinars exploring innovative circular city approaches from across Canada and globally

Join us on Nov 29 to hear about upcoming plans for the CCRI and learn about Circular Procurement!

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Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network

In-depth access to circular economy experts and the opportunity to discuss approaches, opportunities and challenges with peers from across the country.

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Resources to support communities in their circular economy journey like our newly released Circular Procurement Guide.

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Get Engaged

Get in Touch

Is your local government interested in getting involved with the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative?

Sign up for more information.

Get In Touch

Explore the Peer-to-Peer Network

Learn about the P2P Network offerings and the 25 cities and regions that are part of the inaugural cohorts.

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